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Image by Hannah Busing


There are also many non-governmental organisations in Malaysia that are quietly helping the ex-prisoner.

​Malaysian Care 


Malaysian CARE is a non-profit Christian NGO established in Malaysia in 1979, dedicated to serving the poor and needy regardless of religion or race. We focus on community empowerment, aim for long-term sustainability and see ourselves as partners with the local church and the people we serve.

Rumah Victory

Rumah Victory is a non-government, non-profit organisation. It was established to assist those who are in the midst of a life of addiction. It guides the misguided and the truly needy to live a victorious life, and gives those who are victorious a new hope to give back to the community.

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Dual Blessing Bhd.

Dual Blessing Bhd is a non-profit organisation established on 19 August 2001 to provide assistance to the disabled and ex-prisoner aged 18 and above. With the philosophy of turning love into blessing and "Give a man a fish to eat, teach him to fish", they believe that through vocational training, the disabled and the rehabilitated can also acquire life skills to improve their quality of life.

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